A straightforward, stylish, and astute digital due diligence provider revolutionizing the way companies handle their customer onboarding and compliance procedures.

Our Vision

Using sleek, straightforward, and user-friendly technology, we enable customers to automate their compliance inspections and customer onboarding.

Our Expedition

When ValidiFX first started out, it offered a facial recognition ID verification service. It soon expanded, enabling clients to perform comprehensive Know Your Customer, Right to Work/Rent, and Anti-Money Laundering checks. With a comprehensive onboarding solution that includes smart data capture forms, eSign, process builder, and custom branding modules—all accessible via a portal or through an API integration—the new ValidiFX 3.0 platform drives the business ahead.

How We Handle Everything

With the use of biometric face recognition technology, our ID checking service compares the individual to an identity document and uses our technology to verify the authenticity of the identity document. In order to help clients fulfill their compliance obligations, we employ a variety of data sources to conduct extra checks, including Proof of Address, Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs), and Sanctions List checks. Real-time results are provided through our ValidiFX Portal or an API integration, and data is safely saved in the cloud and made accessible to you whenever and wherever you need it.

Additional Details Regarding ValidFX

  • The UK iOS store's highest-rated IDV app, ValidiFX Mobile App, frequently appears in the Top 10 Business Apps.

  • ValidiFX is an Identity Service Provider recognized by the UK Government under the Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework.

  • ValidiFX is situated in Cardiff, Wales, in the center of one of the major Fintech hotspots in the UK.

  • ValidiFX is an authorized supplier of G-Cloud.

  • ValidiFX is dedicated to promoting open digital identities and is a member of the Open Identity Exchange.

  • Since ValidiFX technology is extensively licensed, it powers a large number of IDV/AML products available today.

  • Our data management and IT systems have been evaluated to ensure they satisfy Cyber Essential Plus and ISO 27001 standards.

We Are Serious About Data Protection

Since you wouldn't use a new service that collects your sensitive personal data unless you were confident it had the necessary privacy and security measures in place, we at ValidiFX understand that you wouldn't buy a property until you were satisfied with its foundations. All collected data is stored on UK-based enterprise-class cloud servers using encryption. One of the most renowned and influential global leaders in computing owns and runs these servers.

We also follow the "least privilege" philosophy, which states that employees are only given the minimal amount of access necessary to do their jobs. This effectively implies that no one, not even our Human Resources department employees, has access to the databases that hold your information. Naturally, external risks also exist, therefore we implement strong defenses to keep outside parties from accessing our systems. Naturally, we won't provide anything more than that since we don't want to provide any possible enemies with hints or tips.

We submit to audits by assessment organizations recognized by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS), the only accreditation agency in the UK with government recognition, in order to prove this. Held accreditations consist of:

  • A globally recognized standard for adhering to information security management and security procedures is ISO 27001.
  • The National Cyber Security Centre of the UK Government supports the Cyber Essentials Plus program, which illustrates an organization's defenses against cyberattacks.

Dedicated to Promoting Inclusivity at Work

As a company, ValidiFX is dedicated to establishing an equitable and welcoming work environment. We have completed the Agile Nation2 Program, which is supported by the Welsh government, and we are certified Living Wage Employers and signatories to the Race at Work Charter.

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