Fast & Secure Identity Verification

Our advanced identity verification system uses biometrics and document checks to ensure you're working with legitimate clients. Simply provide your client's name and email address, and we'll handle the verification process.

Verify Identification
Documents Quickly

When you bring on new clients or employees, are you 100% sure they're who they say they are? Weak verification processes leave your business vulnerable to theft or financial losses. Validifx strengthens your identity checks with our AI-powered software that verifies both the user and their ID document, ensuring authenticity. Access secure cloud-based data and receive real-time results, anytime, anywhere. Don't wait - secure your business with Validifx's ID checks today.

Document Capture: Capture ID documents anytime, anywhere with our user-friendly app.

Fraud Detection: AI and machine learning analyze thousands of document types, identifying potential forgeries invisible to the naked eye.

Identity Validation: We verify the claimed identity against multiple data sources, including electoral rolls, to ensure its legitimacy.

Identity Assessment: We analyze the provided identity information to determine its vulnerability to fraud. Our system searches national databases for past activity linked to the identity that might indicate fraud.

Identity Verification Before Claims Processing: Before processing any claims, we ensure the person making the claim is who they say they are. This is achieved through biometric facial recognition and liveness detection technology.

You can access data securely stored in the cloud and receive real-time results whenever and wherever you need it.

How Are Identity

Our ID verification is quick and easy! Here's how it works in 4 steps:

  • We send you instructions: You'll receive clear instructions on what needs to be done.
  • Take a picture of your ID: Use your smartphone or camera to capture a clear image of your government-issued ID.
  • No need for extra documents: We don't require utility bills or bank statements for address verification.
  • Submit your information: Once you've taken the picture, simply submit it through our secure system.

Instead of relying on traditional documents, we verify your address using secure data from reputable sources like NIMC, and NIS.

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Protect Your Business

Verify the identity of your customers with our digital identification technology.

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